Comparison of vegetation canopy height model (for estimating biomass in a mangrove forest in the Colombian Caribbean
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This work integrates satellite-LIDAR to compare the evaluation of high-resolution carbon stock in a mangrove forest (Rincón Mosquito) in the coastal area of the Caribbean Sea. The height of vegetation resulting from the extraction of a height model of the EROS-B satellite vegetation and an airborne LIDAR vs. field data was compared. Satellites offer an opportunity to monitor changes in forest carbon caused by deforestation and degradation, just as new aerial methods, especially the LIDAR method, offer a way to estimate forest carbon density, which helps in the development of lines base for carbon inventories. After calculating the total biomass from the satellite and LIDAR data, the biomass measurement taken in the field was compared. In terms of small scales it can be concluded that the sensor with greater precision is the LIDAR by having a level of spatial resolution that allows great detail of the tree mass., The use of stereo satellite pairs is viable in large areas and not in small areas , where particularly in recent years, data taken with unmanned aerial vehicles seems to be a more viable alternative in availability and cost.
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