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Colombia has a widely diverse number of indigenous communities. Some of the still remain in their own territories and others have been displaced to urban contexts, risking a loss of their traditions and languages. This is the case of the Eperãarã Siapidaarã community. Many of his members have emigrated to the capital, Bogotá, so their children attend a formal institution, which by its nature focuses on educational standards for the country. The culture of the indigenous is not part of a standard curriculum.

Consequently, the need arose to create an adequate didactic manual that promotes learning the Spanish Language as a second language. An educational grant was given by the Colombian Ministry of Cultures and Instituto Caro y Cuervo. This is the origin of the book Atane nos enseña. Español como segunda lengua para niños Eperãarã Siapidaarã Nivel Básico. This article presents the design of didactic resources to teach Spanish as a L2 to indigenous communities, which are categorized in the interaction of both languages, the role of interculturality, the role of educational agents and the design of teaching materials.


Lorena Rubio, Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, Bogotá, Colombia

Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign and Second Language, Caro Cuervo Institute. Spanish and English teacher SED Bogotá, ELE and L2 teacher Denver, CO and researcher in Spanish L2 in indigenous communities.

Sandra Baquero, Secretaría de Educación del Distrito, Bogotá, Colombia

Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign and Second Language, Instituto Caro Cuervo. Spanish and English teacher at SED Bogotá, ELE Lenguas Club NY teacher and researcher in teaching Spanish as a foreign language.

Angélica Valencia, DSST: Collage View High School, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A

Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign and Second Language, Instituto Caro Cuervo. Master in Neuropsychology and Education. ELE and L2 teacher Denver, CO and researcher of L2 Spanish for the Deaf.

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Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Serie ELE/2, L2.


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