Reading intercomprehension and knowledge building in the humanities area: the Latin American LALIC project
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The LALIC program (Spanish acronym for Lecturas sobre América Latina en Intercomprensión) from the Universidad de la República (Uruguay) promotes intercomprehension reading in several languages by reviewing cultural constructs traditionally associated with Latin America, based on concepts developed by Latin American authors from different cultural-linguistic areas including the locus of enunciation or trace and opacity. Based on this theoretical approach and advances in the area of Pluralistic approaches, in this article we analyze the process of acquisition of said cultural contents in four university-level intercomprehension courses taught between 2018 and 2020. Through participant observation and content analysis of a 67-student sample, results show, on the one hand, the emergence of critical analysis and questioning of ideologemes related to the construction of narratives concerning our continent inhabitants; and, on the other, the positive effect that pluralistic approaches can have in said learning experience.
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Accepted 2022-03-02
Published 2022-07-27
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