Information For Authors


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Are you interested in submitting to this journal?

Lenguaje receives articles permanently.

We recommend that you review the About the Journal section for the journal's policy, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal to make submissions, if the author is already registered, he/she can simply log in and start the 5-step process.

Lenguaje makes available to authors interested in publishing with us a short manual for the correct use of the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform. Please enter the following link and follow the instructions provided according to the action to be performed:

Tutorial OJS

Guidelines for authors

  1. Classify your article into one of the following types of research articles:
    1. Scientific or technological research article: Document that presents, in detail, the original results of finished research projects.
    2. Review article: Outcome document of a finished research where the results of published or unpublished research on a field in science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for development progress and trends.
    3. Important: For these type of articles should be indicated, in a footnote on the first page, the information corresponding to the research project from which the article is derived: name of the project; entity financing it; code, registration number or project minutes; start and end date; lead investigator; as well as other relevant data.
  2. General Aspects
    1. The receipt of articles does not imply the obligation to publish them.
    2. Length of articles: it is suggested that the articles be maximum 10,000 words (including bibliographic references and annexes, if any) and the summary between 100 and 150. Times New Roman 12 font with 2.0 spacing. No double spaces or special spacing between paragraphs should be used.
    3. Edition: Lenguaje adopts the editorial parameters of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) in its seventh edition. It is recommended not to number the sections of the document (subtitles); for lists or series, it is recommended to use lowercase letters or bullets.
    4. Abbreviations: Language adopts a set of Latin abbreviations in order to homogenize its use in the three languages of the journal. Use should be limited to parenting references and footnotes. Some of them are:

      confer, means "compare"

      e.g. exempli gratia, means "for example"

      et al. et alii, means "and others"

      etc. et cetera, means "and so on"

      i.e. id est, means "this is."

      op.cit. opere citato, means "in the work cited above"

    5. Graphic material: If the text contains graphs, figures, diagrams, glosses or any other element that can be altered when reading on another computer, the author must attach a copy of the article in PDF (Acrobat). Similarly, if phonetic characters or other symbols other than the English alphabet are included, the source must be attached or, if not possible for any legal reason, the name of the source must be indicated. The names for the graphic material are tables and figures.

3. Verify that your article contains the following separate items in sections:

a. Title

  • ✓It has a maximum of 15 words.
  • ✓It does not contain formulas, acronyms, abbreviations or unknown characters.
  • ✓No grammatical or spelling errors or lexical inaccuracies.
  • ✓The terms are the employees in your discipline to do searches on the subject.
  • ✓Summarize the main idea of the article.

B. Author(s):

  • ✓The order of appearance is the desired.
  • ✓The names are complete and written correctly.
  • ✓The name of the institution to which the authors are assigned is correct.
  • ✓The following information is attached for each author in no more than 80 words: position, professional category, level of training and degree obtained, teaching and research areas, institutional e-mail and postal address.
  • ✓Link ORCID (mandatory requirement).

c. Summary (in English, Spanish and French):

  • ✓It’s a paragraph of up to 150 words.
  • ✓First, it sets out the issue or problem.
  • ✓Secondly, it presents the main objectives.
  • ✓Third, it describes the methodology.
  • ✓Fourth, it includes the most relevant results.
  • ✓Fifthly, it refers to the most important conclusions.
  • ✓It is a separate text that does not repeat sections of the body of the article.
  • ✓It is a striking text that invites you to read the article in its entirety.
  • ✓No citations are included.

D. Keywords (In Spanish, English and French):

  • ✓There are between three and six keywords.
  • ✓They configure the central terms or concepts of the article.
  • ✓They are part of the vocabulary used in his discipline to do bibliographic searches.
  • ✓Other authors consulted for the work use these terms as keywords.
  • ✓They are found in the UNESCO Thesaurus ( or in some other controlled Humanities vocabulary.

e. Introduction:

  • ✓The topic is delimited from the theory that underlies the research.
  • ✓Other studies on the subject are critically addressed.
  • ✓From the above, the research problem (questions and hypothesis) is described.
  • ✓The justification is explicit: it highlights the centrality and importance of the issue and of the problem.
  • ✓In line with the problem, the objectives are clearly and simply formulated.

F. Methodology

  • ✓The type of is defined.
  • ✓Variables or categories of analysis are defined.
  • ✓It describes how the corpus or study sample was conformed with the respective criteria, as well as the relevant characteristics of the participants.
  • ✓The sample is described for analysis.
  • ✓Techniques and instruments for data collection are presented.
  • ✓It explains how the information collected was systematized.
  • ✓Methods, strategies or techniques of data analysis (statistical or qualitative) are indicated.

G. Results:

  • ✓It presents the relevant results in relation to the objectives.
  • ✓They are organized in a hierarchical manner: first, they present those directly related to the objectives.
  • ✓It was made clear whether the objectives had been met or not and whether the hypotheses had been confirmed.
  • ✓The presentation of tables and graphs conforms to the APA standards for these contents.

H. Discussion:

  • ✓The research results are compared with other studies that were referenced as background.
  • ✓It explains the results in light of the theory behind the work.
  • ✓The limitations and significant and novel contributions of the research are presented.
  • ✓It provides recommendations for future projects or new research questions that can be improved if the limitations presented are overcome.

I. Conclusions:

  • ✓All conclusions are derived from the results and discussion and are consistent with the data.
  • ✓They are not a repetition of the abstract of the article or the results.
  • ✓There is a conclusion for each question, objective and hypothesis from the relevant results.
  • ✓Possible applications, recommendations or suggestions are projected.

J. References:

  • ✓Only the references cited appear in the body of the text.
  • ✓All cited references appear in the body of the text.
  • ✓All links to websites lead to the reference document and the reference of each text is accompanied by the doi (digital object identifier).
  • ✓Each reference has complete information and is organized according to APA standards, 7° edition.

k. Annexes:

  • ✓Only those that are relevant to the article are included.

4. Citations:

Research articles and non-research articles must cite appropriate and relevant literature in support of the claims made. Excessive self-citation, coordinated efforts among several authors to collectively self-cite, gratuitous and unnecessary citation of articles published in Lenguaje to which the paper has been submitted, and any other form of citation manipulation are inappropriate. 

Citation manipulation will result in the article being rejected, and may be reported to authors' institutions. Similarly, any attempts by peer-reviewers or editors to encourage such practices should be reported by authors to the publisher. 

Authors should consider the following guidelines when preparing their manuscript: 

  • Any statement in the manuscript that relies on external sources of information (i.e. not the authors' own new ideas or findings or general knowledge) should use a citation.
  • Authors should avoid citing derivations of original work. For example, they should cite the original work rather than a review article that cites an original work.
  • Authors should ensure that their citations are accurate (i.e. they should ensure the citation supports the statement made in their manuscript and should not misrepresent another work by citing it if it does not support the point the authors wish to make).
  • Authors should not cite sources that they have not read.
  • Authors should not preferentially cite their own or their friends', peers', or institution's publications.
  • Authors should avoid citing work solely from one country.
  • Authors should not use an excessive number of citations to support one point.
  • Ideally, authors should cite sources that have undergone peer review where possible.
  • Authors should not cite advertisements or advertorial material.   

5. Make a style check of the text, paying particular attention to aspects such as clarity, conciseness, syntax, punctuation and spelling rules.

6. After checking that the text complies satisfactorily with the above items, start the sending process through the website


NOTE: The guidelines on the sections of the articles are a synthesis of aspects contained in the following documents:

Sánchez, A. (2011). Manual de redacción académica e investigativa: cómo escribir, evaluar y publicar artículos.  Católica del Norte Fundación Universitaria.

Sánchez, A. (2016). El género artículo científico: escritura y análisis desde la alfabetización académica y la retórica funcional. Medellín: Católica del Norte Fundación Universitaria. Recuperado de

Tamayo-Agudelo, W. (2017). Pautas para escribir un artículo derivado de investigación. (Documen­to de docencia N° 15). Bogotá: Ediciones Univer­sidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Doi:

Copyright and License

  • The copyright is granted from the author to the Universidad del Valle.
  • Authors grant Lenguaje a license tu publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
  • The license Creative Commons Attribution-NoCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0  formalizes the terms and conditions of publishing articles.



Update date: February 9, 2024