Inaudible experiences of horror. Between anticipation in Levinas and remembrance in Levi
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Why think Auschwitz again? What's the point if it's already been addressed countless times? For an attempt to understand the horror that does not rest, and in that context we highlight the contributions of Emmanuel Levinas and Primo Levi. The first in Some Reflections on the Philosophy of Hitlerism (1934) announces and denounces the extermination structure involved. The second in If this is a man written in 1946 and published in 1947, under the imperative of testimony, maintains that surviving made sense in order to be able to tell what happened. Both texts had difficulty being heard and we consider this is due to the haste of their denunciations. These inaudible experiences were so both because of the object of the story - a horror unknown until then - and because of a regime of sensibility that could not yet open up to such listening.
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Accepted 2021-04-21
Published 2021-08-15
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