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This paper presents a systematic study of Machiavelli’s reading of the Cyropedia. Being Machiavelli’s work a “depart[ure] from the orders of others”, it’s particularly important, we will argue, to understand the relation with the model of classical political philosophy that is attacked in his own books. This model is provided, we will claim, by the Cyropedia. To carry out this task, and in contrast with the established opinion on the subject, we will argue that the fundamental dispute among our two authors does not lie in the understanding of the relation between politics and virtue, but in the communication of a teaching regarding this relation (moderate in one case, “presumptuous” in the other) whose affinity has not been sufficiently recognized. 

Agustín Volco, CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctor in Europe e Americhe: Costituzioni, Dottrine and Istituzioni Politiche by the Università di Bologna, Associate Professor of Political and Social Theory II at the Universidad de Buenos Aires and Researcher of the CONICET (Argentina). His main areas of interest are modern and contemporary political theory, with special interest, at present, in the place of Machiavelli in the formation of modern republicanism and its contrast with classical republicanism. He has published several articles in specialized magazines, and has edited books on topics of modern political theory.

Volco, A. (2019). Machiavelli, reader of the Cyropaedia. Praxis Filosófica, (48), 69–96.
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