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The following article of reflection has as priority to think about the teacher's actions as possibilities and pedagogical positions where their being is thought and re signified in a practice rooted in an extensive and dialogical knowledge, taking the metaphor of the indigent who weaves the poetic power towards the question as a pillar of searching and as an approach to reality. This purpose is mobilized in a literary hermeneutic of return to the experience of reading and writing, conceived as territories of a memory that brings and encourages new voices of thought. From the linear perspectives of training, pedagogical practices and discourses have restricted the feeling and the sense of language to a transmissionist dimension without a reflective sighting in narrative opening, consequently an image of the absent teacher from the inquiry towards a critical stance has taken place. For this reason, the metaphor path is undertaken as a horizon for new ways of comprehension, tending to denaturalize the orders and hierarchies imposed by the logic of the market and, successively, to problematize the ideological conditions that have turn training into an experience of indoctrination with the pretense of a modernity installed in the reason of dominance and, consequently, in the designs of a subjectivity alienated in hegemonic discursive formats that put aside other knowledge mobilized by the power of metaphor based on lyrical expression. This metaphoric weave allows the argumentation and unfolding of the meaning of language as a sociocultural practice towards the symbolic dimension, crossing over the relationships of the subject with the text, as a craft of what has been experienced and of what is thought as a print of knowledge.

Claudia Arcila Rojas, Universidad de Antioquia

Doctora en Filosofía, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia.

Profesora e investigadora, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.

Correo electrónico: ORCID: 0000-0003-4621-0866

Arcila Rojas, C. (2020). Teaching and learning: a fabric in the symbolic and sociocultural dimensions of the language through the metaphor as poetic power in the act of question. Praxis, Educación Y Pedagogía, (6), e4019243.

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Received 2020-03-23
Accepted 2021-10-04
Published 2020-07-15

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