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This article presents a systematic review of literature aimed at exploring the use of forum theater as a tool for pedagogical intervention in the juvenile penal system. The methodology used is qualitative and descriptive, analyzing 50 articles published between 2018 and 2023. For the search, databases such as Scopus, ProQuest, Ebsco, Dialnet, and Doaj were selected. The investigations were classified into four dimensions: art and therapy, pedagogical strategies, restorative practice, and social reintegration.

The results reveal that the forum theater has a positive impact on the restoration of social ties and rehabilitation. It highlights its potential for expression, emotional healing, construction of alternative identities, and promotion of more just and more empathetic relationships in society. In the field of pedagogical strategies, forum theater and other theatrical techniques were found to be effective for social transformation, the empowerment of participants, and the improvement of democratic coexistence in various educational contexts. In conclusion, the inclusion of the forum theater in the juvenile penal system is shown as a powerful tool for social transformation, the resocialization of young people, and the promotion of a more positive democratic coexistence in different areas.


José Eduardo Cortés-Torres, Universidad César Vallejo. Los Olivos, Perú.

Doctorando en Educación. Magister en Pedagogía de la Enseñanza de la Lengua Materna. Licenciado en Humanidades y lengua Castellana.

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Received 2024-03-18
Accepted 2024-06-19
Published 2024-07-01

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