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This paper makes an inventory and the floristic composition vegetation ornamental use most representative of the urban sites of Peque town at the silvicultural level, Gardening and landscaping beautification, since within its urban and semi-urban  perimeter it preserves, combines, manages and maintains and integrates its vegetation cover in its land use planning  processes. It started with quantitative research techniques based on the calculation of absolute and relative abundance, 
diversity indices at the Shannon level, Berger-Parker index and Mixing ratio, which were complemented with qualitative techniques at the sounding level. fast and participatory rural activities, workshops, audiovisual recordings (photography and video), semi-structured interviews, direct and participant observation; In addition, sampling was carried out to take botanical  samples, formats, notes and a field trip for subsequent taxonomic identification; where 56 families, 97 genera and 107 species  are reported, of which 39 botanical families that form part of the Angiospermae group subclass Magnoliopsidae  (Dicotiledoneae) stand out in greater quantity, with 78 species, followed by the subclass Liliopsidae (Monocotiledoneae) with 13  botanical families and 24 species, in descending order appear the Gymosperms (coniferous and related) with 3 botanical families and 4 species and finally the group of Pteridophytes (Ferns) with 1 family and 1 species respectively, in order to  become a contribution to knowledge and valuation of a part of the local flora and as a reference point in decision-making and  planning regarding its management.

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