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The field of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) has experienced significant growth in the last two decades. Although this growth has been reflected in research products such as articles published in academic journals, there are no comprehensive studies that account for the state of the art in this discipline. In the present study, 1110 articles published in academic journals between 2000 and 2023 were organized in a Knowledge Organization System and then analyzed through the Vantage Point software tool in order to map the state of research in SFL. Its chronological development, thematic axes, and its places of production of knowledge were analyzed. The results show that the development of SFL has been mainly due to studies and publications in Spain, with a strong preference for reporting classroom experiences and case studies. This research is presented as a framework to not only understand the evolution and dynamics of the academic production in SFL but, perhaps more importantly, to reflect on and consider future areas of research that meet local and international research needs and interests of this field.

Javier Reyes Rincón, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

He currently works in the Department of Foreign Languages at the National University of Colombia and has extensive experience in teaching French as a foreign language. He holds a PhD in Language Sciences from the University of Western Brittany in France and a master's degree in Linguistics from the National University of Colombia. He is the author of different research related to semiotics, pedagogy and social representations.

Jorge Andrés Mejía-Laguna, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia

He is a teacher-researcher in languages and pedagogy with a Master's degree and PhD in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona (USA), a Master's degree in educational leadership from Virginia Commonwealth University (USA), a specialization in university teaching, and a Bachelor's degree in Spanish and Languages. His areas of interest include multimodal social semiotics, language educator training, intercultural communication and socio-cognitive theory.

Juliana Gómez Medina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia

She is Director of the Master in Applied Linguistics of Spanish as a Foreign Language at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and has extensive experience in language teacher training at universities in Germany and Spain. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Languages from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, a Master's degree in Spanish Language Learning/Teaching from the University of Deusto and a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the Free University of Berlin. Her topics of interest are multilingualism and interculturalism in the language classroom, among others.

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Received 2024-02-15
Accepted 2024-07-02
Published 2024-10-31

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