Greetings and leave-taking rituals used by Deaf Berliners
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This article presents the preliminary findings of an ethnographic linguistic study dealing with greeting and leave-taking rituals used by Deaf Berliners, in Germany. The data was collected along a ten-month period of participant observation and through the use of a survey administered to fifty-eight Deaf people. In their rituals, the subjects used eleven basic gestures, five of which do not include physical contact (eye contact, hand lifting toward another person, head raising, head tilting, and smiling), while the other six do include physical contact (hand shaking, slapping, squeezing, cheek-contact, kissing, and hugging). Each ritual is also accompanied by an inventory appropriate words and phrases, which is included here. Both types of rituals consist of a series of four phases whose forms are determined by the following factors: degree of intimacy between the participants, age and gender, and time elapsed between encounters. As has been reported in previous studies about other Deaf cultures, the greetings of this population tend to be short and simple, while their leave-takings tend to be lengthy and complex.
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Accepted 2017-07-19
Published 2007-12-20